You’ve heard about the HOT new workout POUND that’s changing lives and you want to find out if it will ROCK
🤘your world too? Get ready to MAKE SOME NOISE!
Thursdays 7:00-7:45 PM ET
Bring a yoga mat. Sticks will be provided.
at Hampden Township Rec
Register for POUND!
Join my facebook group “Kim Lehman’s Fitness Rockstars” to get notified about upcoming classes and events!
- Comfortable workout clothes
- Sneakers (or you can be barefoot).
- Weightlifting gloves (optional)
- Yoga mat (optional)
- sweat towel (optional)
- water bottle
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is POUND?
A: In a POUND class, you become the music by using lightly-weighted drumsticks to hit the floor. You will be having too much fun making noise to think about all the muscles you’re working! You will squat, lunge and do floor work. There is no jumping, which makes it a high-intensity workout but with no impact on your joints!
Q: I don’t have a yoga mat. Do I need to buy one?
A: The mat is for your comfort during floor work.
Q: What floor work? Are there push-ups?!
A: No way! There are 2 types of floor work – sitting and laying down on your back.
Q: I have an injury/physical limitation. Can I still do POUND?
A: POUND is meant to be for everyone! Let me know what your concerns are and I will suggest modifications. Once you’ve seen the workout, you can discuss it with your doctor to decide if it’s safe for you. You will be asked to sign a waiver reminding you that you are participating at your own risk.
Q: I’m not coordinated…
A: The music used in a POUND class has a strong beat and we use repetitive moves that are easy to follow. I will explain the key moves of each track before the song starts. Drum solos are always ok too! You will still get a great workout even if you don’t know your right from your left.
Q: Is everyone going to be young and skinny? I’m worried that I won’t fit in.
A: My FITNESS ROCKSTARS come in all shapes and sizes and ages! EVERYONE is welcome!